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Showing 145 - 156 of 184 results

Implementing a healthier Wales 2019

The Welsh NHS Confederation takes a look at how NHS organisations in Wales are implementing the long-term plan.

21 November 2019

#FixSocialCare pledge

Printable pledge to use in photos as part of the #FixSocialCare campaign

14 November 2019

The Queen's Speech

A briefing on the legislation announced in the Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

15 October 2019

A chink of light?

This briefing identifies the factors placing a strain on adult social care and what the future pressures could be.

15 September 2019

Fit for the future

The NHS Confederation has surveyed its members in England to gauge what they feel are their most critical priorities for an incoming government.

11 September 2019

Letter to the new Prime Minister (2019)

This letter to the new Prime Minister outlines the ‘unfinished business’ for the new government to resolve in the health and care sector.

1 August 2019