
Find the latest podcasts, reports, briefings and case studies from our experts in health and social care.
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Showing 73 - 82 of 82 results

The Queen's Speech

A briefing on the legislation announced in the Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

15 October 2019

Letter to the new Prime Minister (2019)

This letter to the new Prime Minister outlines the ‘unfinished business’ for the new government to resolve in the health and care sector.

1 August 2019

A manifesto for the new Prime Minister

Seven key challenges for the NHS in 2019 and beyond including, funding, social care and the NHS in a post-Brexit world.

1 August 2019

Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan

Ten key issues to address to create the right legislative and regulatory framework for local leaders and their organisations to succeed.

10 May 2019

Letting local systems lead

NHS leaders’ views on issues that are critical to embedding system working in local areas.

16 November 2018

Shifting the centre of gravity

A vision for a community-based preventative service which supports people to stay healthy and independent for as long as possible.

14 November 2018

Taking the value-based agenda forward

This paper explores how to spread the adoption of value-based healthcare across all parts of the system.

17 September 2018

Stepping up to the place

This joint report describe what a fully integrated, transformed system should look like based on what the evidence tells us.

15 June 2016

All together now

This report sets out the case for change, our shared vision for integration and much-needed government action to make real and sustainable progress.

2 July 2014