
Find the latest podcasts, reports, briefings and case studies from our experts in health and social care.
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Showing 145 - 156 of 229 results

Community Transport and Health

How community transport operators across Wales are supporting patients and their local health boards and NHS trusts in Wales.

29 April 2020

Implementing a healthier Wales 2020

A Healthier Wales is a vision transforming how we deliver services. To achieve this vision, we need to learn from the projects in this briefing.

31 March 2020

Brexit Preparedness in NHS Wales

Significant risks associated with Brexit but the NHS across Wales is continuing to plan for a no-deal which we see as the worst-case scenario.

29 January 2020

How does housing influence our health?

This briefing sets out how NHS organisations across Wales are addressing the impact poor quality housing can have on people’s health and wellbeing.

27 January 2020

The NHS and future trade agreements

This briefing examines how free trade agreements negotiated at a UK level could impact the NHS in Wales and devolved administrations.

17 January 2020