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Showing 217 - 224 of 224 results

One voice, time for change

Immediate action needed to implement wide-ranging strategic change.

18 January 2016

The 2016 Challenge

This briefing outlines the five main challenges for the Welsh health service and what needs to happen to address them.

22 October 2015

A culture of stewardship

Healthcare value expert Prof Sir Muir Gray shares how the NHS can change the way it uses public resources over the next five years.

1 September 2015

Fair for all, not free-for-all

This briefing sets out examples of good practice in car parking in the NHS and suggests five principles for fair car parking and transport policies.

1 January 2009

Health and care bill: committee stage

MPs urged to support an amendment imposing checks and balances on new powers for the health secretary to intervene in changes to local health services

21 September 2021