
How healthcare systems can alleviate the impact of child poverty

Exploring the critical role integrated care systems can play in alleviating the impact of poverty on children.

18 March 2025

Download the infographic and find out more about what systems can do in Alleviating child poverty – a shared endeavour.

Five ways healthcare systems can help

Enable access to nutritious food

Through close working at place and neighbourhood level, work with  local food banks and family hubs where parents can seek support, including cooking classes. 

Combat social isolation and engage well with families

Empower local communities to engage with support in a way that works for them, such as co-locating NHS and social care services in community centres and other community assets.

Ensure good housing conditions

Work with local housing providers via the integrated care partnership to ensure the quality of housing in local areas  impacts health positive.

Support behavioural and emotional challenges

Work at place level with schools and children s social care to signpost to  mental health services and open-access mental health hubs, as well as other  youth services and VCSE support.

Improve employment prospects

Engage with local schools and colleges to promote careers in the NHS and widen access pathways  to roles, including apprenticeships. Engage with local schools and colleges to promote careers in the NHS and widen access pathways to roles, including apprenticeships.