
Lessons from Europe Seminars

This series of seminars provided examples of best practice from across Europe to NHS researchers, policymakers, managers and clinicians.

5 January 2017

Lessons from Europe: Exploring new system models for active and healthy ageing

The new series of free seminars will focus on innovation in the design of health and care systems for active and healthy ageing, drawing on examples from the 32 European Reference Sites. It will look at regional approaches to social and technological innovation; including assisted living, telehealth and platforms for integration of services, alongside social innovation, patient-centred collaboratives and community-based care models.

23 September 2015: Catalonia and Cork: integrated services for an ageing population

The second in our new series of "Lessons from Europe", featured innovative regional examples of how Catalonia in Spain and Cork in Ireland have developed integrated services for an ageing population. The seminar was hosted by UCLPartners in London on 23 September 2015, with presentations from Prof. William Molloy of University College Cork, and Prof. Tino Marti from the Catalonian Department of Health in Spain. Delegates also heard from Laura Stuart-Neil from UCLPartners, about their "I'm still me" initiative, a narrative for coordinated support for older people.  Contact Michael Wood for more information. 

Background reading to Prof. Molloy's presentation is available here.

Previous seminars in the Lessons from Europe series

22 April 2015: Excellent innovation for ageing; Scotland and the Province of Noord-Brabant

The first in the new series of "Lessons from Europe" seminars, exploring European innovation in the design of health and care systems for active and healthy ageing, took place in Liverpool on 22 April 2015. 

Around 70 colleagues from a range of NHS organisations, academic institutions, local authorities, the third sector and industry gathered to hear how Scotland and The Netherlands are building regional strategies to drive social and technological innovations. 

The seminar was hosted by North West Coast AHSN, with presentations from Professor George Crooks OBE, Medical Director, NHS 24 & Scottish Ambulance Service, and Peter Portheine, CEO, Innovation Network for Active and Healthy Ageing (Slimmer Leven 2020, Eindhoven). Read a short biography on both speakers.

14 February 2013: Assuring quality through regulation

The systems designed to assure the quality of care in England are under intense scrutiny following serious failures of care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust between 2005 and 2008. With the Francis report proposing far reaching changes to how quality in the NHS is assured and regulated, this seminar examined what we can learn from how European colleagues assure quality in a market-based environment.

Senior speakers from Germany and the Netherlands shared their experiences from their own healthcare systems and Peter Homa, Chief Executive and advisor to Robert Francis QC, chaired the seminar. The expert panel included:

  • Peter Homa, Chief Executive, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust [Chair]
  • Christof Veit, Chief Executive, BQS Institute for Quality and Patient Safety (BQS), Germany
  • Roland Friele, Deputy Director, NIVEL, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research

View Peter's presentation

View Christof's presentation

View Roland's presentation

Download the briefing.

7 June 2012: The right form of provider governance in healthcare?

European health systems display a range of provider governance approaches with varying degrees of autonomy. This seminar drew on practical examples of innovation in hospital governance in two European countries to identify lessons we can learn in England as our own reforms are implemented.

Spain, the origin of the Foundation Trust model, operates five different models of self-governing hospital in its tax-funded health system. These range from a slight deviation from the publicly owned, publicly managed hospital to a more commercial model of administrative concession, as in Alzira in Valencia.

Market-based reforms in the Netherlands have made hospitals more vulnerable than ever before. Hospital performance is now measured using a range of indicators, more and more information is being made available to the public and, crucially, the influence of insurers is increasing, particularly through selective contracting.

These developments make hospital governance more complex.

The expert panel included:

  • Sue Slipman, then Director of the Foundation Trust Network
  • Dr Antonio Duran, Director, Tecnicas de Salud Consulting
  • Hans Maarse, Professor of Health Policy Science, Maastrict University. 

View Hans' presentation

View Antonio's presentation

Download the briefing.

26 April 2012: Does tariff re-design drive value in healthcare?

Payment mechanisms are seen as a key lever for strengthening healthcare delivery, enabling choice, improving information availability and driving quality and efficiency gains. Yet the current tariff system in the NHS, designed for an era of financial growth and a policy context focused on reducing waiting times, is largely viewed as not fit for purpose. Incentive and information problems have seen both commissioners and providers turning instead to local negotiations outside the rules of ‘Payment by Results’.

This seminar reviewed European experience of provider payment, examined intentional and unintentional effects of reform in this area and identified lessons we might learn from different approaches to common challenges.

The expert panel included:

  • Sir Ron Kerr, Chief Executive of Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust [Chair]
  • Dr Reinhard Busse, Professor, Department of Healthcare Management, Berlin University of Technology
  • Nigel Edwards, Senior Fellow, King’s Fund and Director, Global Healthcare Group, KPMG

View Reinhard's presentation.

View Nigel's presentation.

Download the briefing.