Our networks for primary care: achievements in 2021/22

Our offer for primary care has continued to grow in membership, engagement and, crucially influence throughout 2021/22, including adding support for federations alongside our established package for primary care networks. From April we will bringing primary care together with a new enhanced network for the sector.
We have been a national voice across England at the highest levels, ensuring you are effectively represented within the health and care system through influencing national policy and debate. As a one-stop-shop for your teams we have provided access to vital information guidance, case studies and development support.
We have connected you with other leaders across primary care as well as the wider system and supported you in your roles though a variety of member opportunities. In 2021.22, we:
- Met with vaccines minister and our primary care leaders to provide feedback on the NHS COVID-19 vaccination booster programme.
- Lobbied NHS England and NHS Improvement to secure additional funding for PCN management and leadership.
- Influenced NHS England and NHS Improvement to delay the transfer of the PCN extended access contract to alleviate workload pressures.
- Lobbied NHS England and NHS Improvement, with partners, for the suspension of the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) and Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF), enabling primary care teams to focus on the vaccination programme.
- Arranged for members to meet No 10's health team to discuss the future of primary care and access.
- Influenced the policy proposals for integrated care systems to ensure an effective voice for primary care.
- Provided a strong public voice regionally and nationally, highlighting in the media primary care’s rapid response and agility during the COVID-19 pandemic alongside the challenges it has faced.
“Being a member of the network has been hugely beneficial for me personally as I’m connected to colleagues who share the same issues and challenges but in the same breath inspire confidence and help turn those challenges into opportunities - that’s the beauty of being part of the network.”
Dr Pramit Patel, NHS Confederation PCN Network Chair, Trustee and PCN Clinical Director for Care Collaborative PCN
“Being a valued part of a respected organisation like the NHS Confederation, alongside our other NHS colleagues, has been inspiring. The positive connections we have made together have generated real excitement and confidence about how GP federations within primary care can continue to play a key part in looking after the health of our local communities.”
Fiona Adamson, NHS Confederation Primary Care Federation Network Chair and Chief Executive, Hartlepool and Stockton Health GP Federation
- Produced expert publications including thought-leadership articles, blogs and case studies on topics spanning recovery planning, workforce development, population health management, health inequalities and the additional roles reimbursement scheme (ARRS).
- Provided detailed summary briefings and analysis of new primary care policies and guidance, giving members the latest information at their fingertips.
- Developed a new enhanced membership offer for primary care launching in April 2022 to achieve a stronger voice for the sector to work with partners across the health and care system, locally and nationally.
- Showcased the achievements of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic to address criticism over reduced access and face-to-face appointments.
“The beauty of having the support of the NHS Confed team is that not only do they understand our priorities in primary care, they also have a clear sight across the whole system, which means that all the advice and guidance they give us is set in a context that makes sense to us.” Anthony Nelson, Managing Director, Conexus Healthcare, Primary Care Federation board member
- Connected more than 800 primary care professionals through our PCN and GP federation networks, bringing together colleagues across a number of national and regional forums including communities of practice, roundtables and peer learning groups.
- Launched our new Primary Care Hub app, connecting over 1,000 members and providing a safe space to share ideas, learn and understand the wider health and care system.
- Shared examples of excellence at our national primary care conference, bringing together 1,000+ colleagues from across the country to share experiences and have in-depth debates with national experts.
- United primary care leaders in a new vision for the future with high-quality integrated care for patients and local communities at its core, with members empowered to drive innovation and improve population health
“Since joining the NHS Confederation I have been able to contribute to discussions with senior members of NHSE, CQC and other parts of the NHS like ambulance trust chief executives. This has taken the form of commenting on WhatsApp groups, joining round table meetings and webinars. I feel the voice of primary care and for me the voice of GP Federations are being heard as a result.” Julia Griffith, Business Director, Bath and North East Somerset Enhanced Medical Services, Primary Care Federation board member
“Primary care network board is a real multi disciplinary board bringing together a wide range of passionate people with complementary skills and experiences to drive forward PCN network development and growth. I feel privileged to have a voice as a PCN leader to influence policy and future direction of Primary Care and PCNs.” Sheinaz Stansfield, PCN Manager, Birtley, Oxford Terrace PCN, PCN Network board member
Our networks for primary care are part of the NHS Confederation. Discover how the organisation has supported organisations, systems and leaders across the country.