Tidbits and takeaways from the primary care virtual conference

With a population health management approach in place, you are better able to recruit the ARRS professionals to suit your population’s needs
Engaging colleagues with population health management can be difficult but, with some simple analytical tools, you can better understand your population’s needs, demonstrate the value of population health management and make the very best use of your Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) professionals.

Think about PCN funding in its totality and tailor it to your PCN
With a breakdown of the different PCN funding streams, a deep dive into how to use your development funding and an explanation of the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF) from NHSEI, we learnt about the extent of funding available for PCNs and that there is a lot of flexibility in how it can be used.

When it comes to estates, think outside the box
After hearing from a surgery operating out of a large high street chemist and how a former retail unit has been repurposed by primary care, delegates shared their experience of managing their own estates.

Primary care has the full support of Prof Sir Michael Marmot
Who recognised the outstanding contribution of primary care, both during the pandemic and for ensuring everyday health.

Primary care has a shared vision for personalised care and tackling health inequalities
Highlighting the value of looking at the 'whole' self when caring for patients and the valuable role of the personalised care workforce, whether this is social prescribers, care coordinators or health and wellbeing coaches to help primary care deliver more joined-up personalised care, reduce health inequalities at a neighbourhood level and reduce pressure on the health and care system more widely.

The enormous scale of health inequalities can feel overwhelming – where to start, what do you focus on?
This roundtable-style conversation challenged the panellists and the audience to initiate ideas. Chaired by Mark Spencer from Healthier Fleetwood, this session follows on as an excellent listen from the session with Prof Sir Michael Marmot.

This session discussed excellent practice in the delivery of diabetes care as a PCN. The restructuring of primary care provides an opportunity to provide and strengthen integrated specialist care and provide a multidisciplinary diabetes service addressing the holistic needs of the person with diabetes.
Session supported by Boehringer Ingelheim

What you said
Scroll through our Twitter moment to catch up on other highlights from the day.
What’s next?
NHS ConfedExpo, the premier event in the health and care calendar. Join us on 15 and 16 June 2022 in Liverpool.