Connected Leadership 2025

Navigating your role in a time and context of rapid change
A diverse office meeting.

We are inviting ICS Leaders to take part in our new programme Connected Leadership 2025. This is aimed at supporting leaders to navigate their roles in these evolving times and to deliver the three Government shifts. We will support you to move from concept to concrete action within your systems.  

The programme is free to ICSs and is made possible by sponsorship from Boehringer Ingelheim Limited. 

It follows on from the success of our initial pilot Connected Leadership programme which finished last year and supported 12 ICS leaders with their roles in leading systems through the delivery of the four purposes.  

“I think this has been an absolutely, marvellous programme. I really can't praise it enough, simply because what it has done is brought the NHS colleagues and local government colleagues closer together. What's come out of that is a real appreciation of how we need to work together, what we need to do, what's important and what's not.” Cllr Sue Woolley, ICP Chair 

Connected Leadership 2025 will be delivered through two residential stays and a further online session in February 2026. In order to benefit from the programme, those who sign up are confirming availability to take part in all the sessions:

Session dates:   

  • Residential workshop one 

Check in at 3.30pm on Tuesday 6 May, for a 4pm start, followed by a networking dinner in the evening. Wednesday 7 May , 9am to 4pm workshop and close.  

  • Residential workshop two 

Check in at 3.30pm on Tuesday 7 October, for a 4pm start, followed by a networking dinner in the evening. Wednesday 8 October, 9am to 4pm workshop and close 

  • Final online workshop – Wednesday 25 February 2026  

The two residential sessions will take place at Walton Hall, Warwickshire, and you can find out more about the venue here. The cost of the accommodation and the dinner are all included so there will be no charge, however, participants will need to cover travel costs.  

Aims of the programme:  

  • Support ICS leaders to navigate their role  
  • Examine leadership in the context of the three shifts  
  • Moving from concept to concrete – leading the three shifts to reality in systems 
  • Working through tangible examples of how to make a difference 
  • Collective problem-solving  
  • Peer learning and networking  
  • Being an effective leader in an evolving and ever-changing context 

Who is the programme for?  

We are looking for applications from all ICB CEOs, ICB Chairs and ICP Chairs and are happy to extend the invitation to interim appointees. We believe the programme would be of particular value to new appointees and those who have been in their role for less than 18 months.  

How to apply: 

If you are interested in joining this programme and able to commit to the dates above, you will need to send an Expression of Interest to us, by Tuesday 11 March 

Please email with the answers to the following questions, for your Expression of Interest:  

  • What is your role within the ICS?  
  • How long have you been in post? 
  • Why are you interested in this programme? 
  • What do you hope to gain from taking part? 

We will be back in touch with you after the closing date to let you know if you have been successful and to arrange a call to discuss further.  

Contact details  

If you have any questions about the programme, or would like any further information before applying, please do contact