ICS implementation: Making sense of tackling health inequalities

The Local Government Association, NHS Providers, NHS Clinical Commissioners and NHS Confederation are collaborating on a series of Tuesday lunchtime webinars for chairs, non-executive directors, councillors, local government officers and lay members.
The webinars will explore the top issues facing leaders and each one will include expert introductions to the theme alongside local leaders sharing their practical experiences and learning, to support local leaders to think through what it will take to make ICSs succeed.
On Tuesday 2 November, our webinar focused on making sense of tackling health inequalities and helping you understand what questions to ask of your own systems. Attendees had a chance to learn about the support and resources available from the partners, the Local Government Association, NHS Confederation and NHS providers to assist systems to tackle this.
These webinars are presented as part of the System Transformation Peer Support Programme, which is jointly delivered by the Local Government Association, NHS Providers, NHS Clinical Commissioners, NHS Confederation and the ICS Network. This support programme offers peer reviews, workshops, webinars and bespoke support to support local leaders develop their partnerships including ICSs and place-based partnerships.
For more information, go to nhsproviders.org/peersupport. For an informal discussion contact Rebecca Gale, Programme Manager at integration@local.gov.uk