Pharmacy First: Building on the first year

Join us to discuss the NHS Pharmacy First service, a year on since its launch. This webinar is an opportunity to hear about how the service is performing, the latest trends in activity, best practice, and how closer collaboration between general practice and community pharmacy can help improve patient outcomes.
We will be joined by speakers from NHS England, Company Chemists’ Association and Black Country ICS, who have achieved some of the highest levels of Pharmacy First activity, to share their insights, lessons learnt and what this means for future ways of working.
The session will be recorded for sharing within our app for Primary Care Network members and will take place on Microsoft Teams. As such, by joining this event, your name and email address may be visible through Microsoft Teams to other members of the network. This is functionality of Microsoft Teams we cannot alter. By signing up to this event you are consenting for your data to be visible in this way. Please note, during the meeting you may be able to turn off your camera and alter your name.