
Primary care and patient safety

Join us as we present the draft guiding principles ahead of publication of the NHS patient safety strategy and seek feedback from the group
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General information

7 February 2024 13:00 - 14:00 GMT

The NHS patient safety strategy aims to create supportive safety cultures that focus on learning and improvement. In this session we will introduce the Primary Care patient safety strategy with a focus on the Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) - a core element that outlines best practice for learning from safety events. 

In 2022 the national patient safety team co-ordinated a primary care working group consisting of clinicians, PCNs, GP Federations and ICBs to develop a set of guiding principles for applying PSIRF within general practice. In this session we will present the draft guiding principles ahead of publication, seek feedback from the group regarding the proposed approach, and explore future opportunities to work together to further develop national strategy. 

Please email primarycare@nhsconfed.org to receive a diary invite. This is a member only session.