Watch: Using PHM for system transformation and equitable resource allocation

Our expert panel discussed and examined how population health management can inform effective system transformation.
A Population Health Management (PHM) approach to improving health outcomes and reducing health inequalities uses data driven insights and evidence to inform targeted health improvement action to prevent ill health.
PHM can facilitate sustainable healthcare transformation through its in-depth understanding of differential outcomes of population groups, which can then enable needs-based redesign underpinned by new workforce, payment and outcome models.
This webinar brought together local health and care system leaders that are embedding population health management approaches to ensure better alignment of funding to population health need and developing preventative, equitable and person-centred intelligence to tackle health and care inequities.
- How analysis of needs, complex care and payments are enabling system transformation to improve outcomes
- System Population segmentation facilitating care coordination across services
- Work from Novartis that embraces a PHM, proactive and preventative approach to healthcare to ensure it truly works for everyone
- Alignment of primary care funding to reduce health inequalities
- Financial strategy to support transformation to deliver better outcomes and increased focus on prevention
Our speakers included:
- Bevleigh Evans, Head of Population Health Management, NHS England
- Wes Baker, Director of Strategic Analytics, Economics and Population Health Management - Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust
- Nicci Briggs, Executive Director of Finance, Contracting and Governance LLR CCG’s
- Johnny Bane, Head of Market Access Strategy, Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK
- Joan Saddler, Director of Partnerships and Equality, NHS Confederation (Chair)
This event was supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd as part of a Collaborative Working Agreement.