Watch: Why good housing is essential to health and wellbeing

Jan Williams, Chair of Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Dr Sumina Azam, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Head of Policy, Deputy Director Policy and International Health, WHO Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health & Well-being, Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Joanne Oak, CEO, Valleys to Coast Housing Association
Sarah Scotcher, Policy and External Affairs Manager, Community Housing Cymru
Ross Thomas, Head of Policy & Public Affairs, Tai Pawb
Chaired by Jan Williams, chair of Public Health Wales, this event will consider the impact housing has on health and wellbeing, including its importance in reducing health inequalities in Wales and wider population health.
A range of speakers discussed the contributions their organisations make to health and wellbeing, promoting good practice from across Wales.
We examined how housing associations and providers work with local NHS organisations, and wider partners through Regional Partnership Boards, enable the NHS to support hospital discharge locally, and the importance of a good home to the prevention agenda.