Member forums

Convening leaders to develop solutions to shared challenges.
Delegates at a workshop

Our member forums meet regularly to help members think through and address challenging and complex issues. Open exclusively to members, these forums provide the opportunity to connect with and learn from leaders across the system.

  • The NHS Confederation’s ICS Network and The Queen’s Nursing Institute have developed a joint initiative offering ICB Chief Nurses the opportunity to join a network supporting nurse leadership within integrated care systems (ICSs). 

    Recognising that these roles require a new type of support, given that systems operate differently from previous NHS organisations, the partnership will work with ICB Chief Nurses to achieve the objectives of strong system leadership, integrating care and tackling inequalities in health. 

    Chaired by Lou Patten, NHS Confederation strategic advisor and fellow of the QNI, the ICB Chief Nurses Network aims to offer a confidential, safe space to engage with peers through the development journey of collective leadership, mutual accountability, local and national political management and fostering innovation and improvement, while operating within the principles of subsidiarity. 

    Apply to join

  • A space for integrated care boards (ICBs) chief people officers (CPO) to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    For further information and how to join take a look at the NHS Employers website. 

  • An independent space for ICB directors of primary care to come together to exchange ideas and share experiences, hosted by our Primary Care and ICS Networks.


  • Our national forum for ICB mental health partner members is focused on supporting members to effectively drive the mental health agenda within their allocated systems. 

    The forum is a safe space built around peer-learning, with further input from guest speakers on how to understand the workings of ICBs/ICSs.

    We will also support members to build strong relationships, advance parity of esteem, and keep up to date with national policies and funding opportunities.

    The forum is jointly hosted by the network and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and is co-chaired by Dr Lade Smith CBE, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Ifti Majid, chair of the NHS Confederation’s Mental Health Network.

    For more information please contact

  • This quarterly forum is for all non-executive directors within integrated care boards. To find out more contact Helen Wolstenholme

  • A dedicated network for integrated care board primary care partners. 


  • An independent space for integrated care partnership chairs to exchange ideas, develop solutions and shape policy development.

    To join, please email Ian Perrin

  • An independent space for ICS chairs to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Sarah Walter

  • The first dedicated network for integrated care system communications and engagement leaders.

    To join, please contact Sarah Miller.

  • We host a member-led forum for ICS digital leaders, co-chaired by Deborah El-Sayed and Stephen Slough. The forum brings together senior digital leaders across integrated care boards to share learning, exchange ideas and shape policy.  

    For further information about the forum, please contact Rezina Hakim



  • An independent space for ICS chief executive officers to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Sarah Walter

  • An independent space for ICS mental health programme directors and leads to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Chris Truscott

  • A quarterly forum for systems to collaborate with national and local public health teams, run jointly by the NHS Confederation, the Local Government Association, and the Association of Directors of Public Health. For more information contact

  • An independent space for ICS strategy directors to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Ian Perrin.

  • This group facilitates learning, sharing and opportunities around international NHS activity and ambitions. It also brings the NHS voice to relevant international planning and policy; and to identify and address key barriers to international engagement.

    Find out more about the group. To join, please email us.

  • The Lay Members Network is the national membership network for CCG governing body lay members. It offers access to and support from lay members across the country. The forum provides a unique opportunity for CCG lay members to share the experiences and challenges of their crucial role in CCG governing bodies and local best practice approaches in a safe space. It also gives lay members a national voice to influence relevant policy development as well as supporting the professional development of lay members.

    To join, please email us

  • A space for mental health housing service providers and others interested in this area to strengthen their independent, collective voice in the national policy debate.

    To join, please email our Mental Health Network.

  • Aimed at those working in clinical commissioning groups with an interest in mental health, our Mental Health Commissioners Network explores the commissioning of adult and children and young people’s mental health, including urgent and emergency care. The network also covers the commissioning of services for people with learning disabilities and autism. 

    To join, please email our Mental Health Network.

  • Dedicated to digital health service providers and those interested in this growing field, our Digital Mental Health Forum provides a platform to engage in discussion, network with peers and share good practice. 

    To join, please email our Mental Health Network.

  • A place for discussion, sharing of experience and practice, peer support and engaging with national leaders and policy makers for chairs of NHS Mental Health Trusts.

    To join, please email our Mental Health Network.

  • A place for discussion, sharing of experience and practice, peer support and a stronger and clearer voice for mental health medical executive level leaders.

    To join, please email our Mental Health Network.

  • A forum for lead ambulance commissioners, but also covers the commissioning of NHS 111 and patient transport services. The NACN offers a national voice, influencing upwards (to policymakers) and laterally (to other urgent and emergency care stakeholders); peer-to-peer support for those working in what can be seen as a rather niche area of commissioning; a safe space for CCG ambulance commissioners to talk openly about issues and concerns; and the opportunity to share good practice (and safely share less successful initiatives) to develop consistently better outcomes for patients.

    To join, please email us

  • The NHS Confederation has a strategic partnership with Proud2bOps, which is a national network of operational managers and leaders working within provider health and care organisations spanning the acute, community, mental health and ambulance sectors, as well as primary care and independent and voluntary sector providers.

    With over 500 members from across the UK from a variety of provider organisations, this is a supportive network for operational professionals to come together as a peer community committed to learning and sharing ideas and best practice, whilst fostering trust, respect and confidentiality. The network also enables operational professionals to develop themselves as leaders.

    The Confederation’s partnership with Proud2bOps enables the network to benefit from our reach and national influencing ability, and helps to ensure that the view of the operational front line informs government policy making. In return, the network provides the Confederation with granular feedback from operational professionals.

    The network meets regularly in both regional and national forums, and all operational professionals working in NHS Confederation member organisations are encouraged to join, share new thinking and learning with their peers, and ensure that national policy is co-designed through this strategic partnership.

    To join, please email Sonia Nosheen.

  • This forum meets quarterly and provides primary care network managers with the opportunity to discuss relevant issues, network with peers and share learning and best practice.

    To join, please email

  • Our Place Forum supports the development of place-based integrated care.

    Find out more.

  • Strong collaboration between providers will form the bedrock of statutory integrated care systems.

    From well-established and formal collaboratives, to developing partnerships and more informal arrangements, our forum supports provider collaboration in all of its forms - whether at place, system or cross-system level.

    Join the forum to benefit from:

    • peer learning sets - uniting providers around a shared interest or ambition to drive innovation
    • peer networks - connecting you with peers at the same stage of development
    • monthly thought leadership sessions - convening all learning sets to showcase work, discuss thematic issues and share the latest thinking.

    Join the forum

  • Our System Productivity Forum is open to members across the NHS Confederation with an interest in productivity to explore shared challenges, develop solutions and influence national policy-making.

    To find out more or to join the forum, email Skeena Williamson