NHS Voices

Thought leadership that sparks debate, shares learning and inspires new ways of working across health and care.
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NHS Voices is the place to share ideas, debate solutions and discover how organisations are confronting challenges across health and care.

All views expressed are those of the individual author, not of the NHS Confederation. Publication of a post does not in any way imply agreement or endorsement from our membership.

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Showing 13 - 24 of 105 results

A month of change ahead of winter challenges

Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation, writes about the the events of this month and highlights member concerns around social care.

30 September 2022

Transforming PIFU through triage

In-person appointments will always be an essential part of healthcare, but safe and effective care can and does happen outside of appointments.

17 August 2022

The elective backlog casts a long shadow

While all eyes are on reducing the 6.6 million elective care backlog, we also need to ensure that out of (acute) hospital does not mean out of mind.

2 August 2022

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