NHS Voices

Thought leadership that sparks debate, shares learning and inspires new ways of working across health and care.
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NHS Voices is the place to share ideas, debate solutions and discover how organisations are confronting challenges across health and care.

All views expressed are those of the individual author, not of the NHS Confederation. Publication of a post does not in any way imply agreement or endorsement from our membership.

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Please note that our decision is final on all editorial matters.

Showing 301 - 312 of 356 results

How data and digital services can fight COVID-19

COVID-19 is the biggest challenge to the NHS in 70 years. While the main focus is on equipping the frontline, there are other tools that can help.

30 March 2020

The phoney war is over

How the NHS Confederation can support you during the COVID-19 crisis.

23 March 2020

Place, sweet place

The NHS Long Term Plan makes it clear that health and care services will have to change. But what is the best way to take this forward?

24 February 2020

The future is with us

The future of integrated care systems.

17 February 2020