NHS Voices

Thought leadership that sparks debate, shares learning and inspires new ways of working across health and care.
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NHS Voices is the place to share ideas, debate solutions and discover how organisations are confronting challenges across health and care.

All views expressed are those of the individual author, not of the NHS Confederation. Publication of a post does not in any way imply agreement or endorsement from our membership.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 194 results

No place like home

Introducing virtual wards during the pandemic has led to them being implemented more widely to care for people in the communities of Wolverhampton.

22 August 2023

What the NHS needs from the winter plan

There are things that can and should be done right now to make sure we protect patients and staff as much as possible ahead of winter.

12 August 2022

Time to rethink the NHS Long Term Plan

The last two years give cause to re-examine the NHS Long Term Plan. Matthew Taylor considers how it could and should be refreshed.

17 June 2022

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