Conservative Party general election manifesto 2019: health and social care analysis

The Conservative Party has published its manifesto, including a series of commitments on the future of the NHS and social care system.
This briefing assesses the key commitments against the issues that NHS Confederation members - the organisations that plan, commission and provide NHS services - told us they are most concerned about.
Key points
- Confirmation of £34 billion per year by the end of the next Parliament in additional funding for the NHS, with a commitment that this money will go to frontline services.
- Commitment to build and fund 40 new hospitals over the next ten years. This is in addition to the 20 hospital upgrades announced in the summer.
- 50,000 more nurses by the end of the next Parliament. However, the NHS Confederation has concerns about how realistic this commitment is, with a lack of detail in the manifesto about how it will be achieved.
- A continuation of the direction set out in the NHS Long Term Plan, with a commitment to enshrine many aspects of it into law.
The NHS Confederation has completed similar briefings for all of the main parties ahead of the 2019 General Election.