May 2021 update: COVID-19 and the female health and care workforce survey

The report shows that, since summer 2020, the impact of the pandemic on the female workforce has demonstrably worsened and more women are reporting an even greater negative impact on their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is linked to the increase in the number of hours women report spending on their caring responsibilities (both in and outside of work). The impact of these responsibilities may be greater for women from black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds.
The findings of the survey also show improvement in some areas, including teamworking and increased feelings of camaraderie - but the marked deterioration in the key areas of physical and emotional wellbeing cannot be ignored. With 78 per cent of the health and care workforce being female, the impact of the pandemic on women needs to be considered as part of overall recovery plans. The recommendations included in the report can benefit the whole workforce, not just women.
Read the full report and download the slide deck which gives a more detailed look into the findings.
Find out more about the Health & Care Women Leaders Network.