Ambulance response times and problems facing the NHS in Wales

Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation, responded to reports on ambulance response times and problems facing the NHS in Wales:
“The pressures the NHS are currently facing, particularly in urgent and emergency care, are worrying for all. Recent figures show the impact that the enormous pressures on the NHS are having on ambulance waits outside of Emergency Departments and how this effects the experience of patients.
“It’s important to understand that this is a whole-system issue. There are many factors affecting NHS capacity; from staff absences because of Covid, or suspected Covid, to more people on wards and in intensive care units needing treatment for Covid and higher demand for other conditions. The social care system is also under unprecedented pressure, meaning the NHS is unable to discharge patients from hospital and therefore has much lower capacity to treat incoming patients.
“The NHS in Wales is working relentlessly to cope with current levels of demand and staff are doing all they can to ensure everyone waiting for care is seen as soon as possible. We thank them and the public for doing all they can to support the NHS.”