Breathing room for NHS in Wales as upcoming consultant strike suspended

Responding to the news that BMA Cymru Wales have suspended strike action by consultants and SAS doctors due to take place on 16 & 17 April, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes said:
“NHS leaders will be cautiously optimistic to hear of the suspension of next week’s industrial action by doctors as a result of progress in talks with the Welsh Government, as well as junior doctors pausing plans to announce further strike dates during negotiations.
“The health service relies heavily on its consultant workforce and these professionals have helped to keep the most life-critical services afloat including over the difficult winter period and the recent junior doctors' walkouts.
“Although this is a promising step in the right direction, this doesn’t mean the prospect of future strikes has disappeared. Even for the now-suspended walkout next week, NHS organisations will have worked tirelessly to fill rota gaps, rearrange appointments and procedures and do everything in their power to keep patients safe and provide timely care.
“This shows that progress is possible when working in social partnership and we urge those on all sides of the table to do all they can to reach common ground in this disruptive, long-standing dispute so the NHS can provide the best care and treatment for patients. NHS leaders will want to seek assurance from the Welsh Government that any funding promised is recurrent in nature.”