Goldacre Review is important piece of puzzle in setting direction for use of health data for research

Responding to the publication of the Goldacre Review on health data for research and analysis, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation, said:
“Over the last two years the NHS has been empowered to innovate at pace, developing revolutionary technology and innovative treatments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Goldacre Review represents an opportunity to build on these hard-won gains and is an important piece of the puzzle for setting the direction of health research in a post-pandemic healthcare system.
“We were pleased to work directly with the review team to represent the views of healthcare leaders and to see them reflected in the report’s findings, particularly in relation to the recommendations to simplify and streamline data use while improving protections for patient’s personal data. We believe the recommendations will deliver better, broader and safer use of NHS data for analysis and health research.
“Now it is important that the review’s recommendations are adopted. To stand the best chance of achieving lasting improvements, NHS leaders will need to be actively involved in implementation.
“We now look forward to seeing the government’s forthcoming Data Strategy for Health and Social Care, which we hope further reflects the insights of our members, particularly in relation to supporting digital transformation in the NHS.”