Health and social care need long-term funding model to deliver for people of Wales
Responding to Audit Wales’ press release on NHS spending in Wales, Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation, said:
“Audit Wales’ report highlights the enormous financial challenges facing NHS organisations in Wales. Despite this, it’s positive to see several NHS organisations in Wales meeting their duty to break even.
“The NHS has been through the most difficult time in its history over the last couple of years and there’s no doubt there are huge challenges ahead, given the enormous backlog of planned care and the increased demand on the system.
“The NHS must transform the care it delivers and respond to the challenges it faces, which will require Welsh Government to prioritise and clarify funding to both the NHS and its partners to improve patient outcomes and the quality and safety of services. There must also be a whole-government commitment to reduce health inequalities, which will in turn reduce pressure on the service.
“There is a pressing need for the Welsh Government to review the long-term funding model for health and social care to ensure future sustainability, including long-term investment in capital funding. Without this, it’ll be very difficult for the NHS to deliver on the recovery plan and to confidently provide the people of Wales with the high-quality care they deserve.
“NHS Wales organisations do not underestimate the significant challenges of public service budgets in these unprecedented times, following the pandemic. NHS leaders across Wales are committed to doing the very best they can to deliver high-quality, sustainable, timely and safe care to the people of Wales.”
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We are the membership organisation that brings together, supports and speaks for the whole healthcare system in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The members we represent employ 1.5 million staff, care for more than 1 million patients a day and control £150 billion of public expenditure. We promote collaboration and partnership working as the key to improving population health, delivering high-quality care and reducing health inequalities.