International recruitment valuable but long-term investment is vital

Commenting on the Nuffield Trust report Return on investment of overseas nurse recruitment: lessons for the NHS, Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, part of the NHS Confederation said:
"This is a thorough review which highlights the long-standing value of international recruitment and the incredibly important contribution colleagues from around the world make to the delivery of health and care for our communities. We need to ensure our international colleagues are retained to develop and achieve their potential in the sector.
"The Chancellor also needs to ensure that health and social care has the required long-term investment in the other training and education routes that supply the majority of our UK staff. The government must, for example, confirm its financial support for enabling existing NHS staff to undertake nurse training through the degree apprenticeship route. It must also make clear how the welcome recent increases in undergraduate numbers in medicine and other professions will be funded for the longer term."