Lou Patten becomes a Fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute

Lou Patten, Director of the ICS Network and CEO of NHS Clinical Commissioners, has been appointed as a Fellow of the Queen’s Nursing Institute in a special awards ceremony.
Only a few people are appointed as Fellows of the QNI. Lou started her career in nursing before moving into a whole range of roles, culminating in becoming a CCG AO and then an ICS Lead before coming to NHS Confederation.
The QNI is a registered charity dedicated to improving the nursing care of people in the home and community. It promotes excellent nursing care for everyone, where and when they need it, provided by nurses and their teams with specific skills and knowledge. QNI Fellows are known leaders within their sphere of expertise; usually primary care or community based services. They often have a previous or ongoing connection with the QNI, and they are people with a high profile and the respect of their peers, who are willing to advocate on behalf of the QNI.
This award reflects Lou’s wealth of experience and her national reputation for clinical leadership and innovation. As a district nurse, she has always maintained her nursing registration, keeping a strong patient-centred focus throughout her leadership career.
Commenting on her appointment, Lou said: “I am delighted to receive this Fellowship and humbled to be listed alongside so many people that I admire. Throughout my career I have remained immensely proud of my District Nurse qualification and welcome this opportunity to support the QNI at such an important time for community nursing.”
Matthew Taylor, CEO of NHS Confederation said: “This a great recognition for Lou and shows the high calibre of leadership we have here at Confed. Lou has successfully balanced a career where she has managed from the top whilst having day to day experience of what its like at the coal face to inform her approach. Congratulations Lou and very well deserved!”
Lord Victor Adebowale, Chair of NHS Confederation as also added, “Congratulations Lou on your fellowship, you are in great company. Never before has the role of nursing been so critical, and I’m sure will be a real asset to the QNI."