Mental Health Network releases invitation to tender research

The NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network is looking for an organisation or individual to undertake a piece of work that will look at what mental health and learning disability/autism support should look like in ten years’ time; and how we get there. Through co-production and consultation with members of the NHS Confederation and relevant national stakeholders, this work should consider what is possible, using existing evidence, funding, and workforce, and what could be possible with additional research and development, and resources.
You can find more information in the call for tender document here which includes full details of:
- the scope of the work;
- what to include in a submission;
- how the submission will be scored and;
- key dates.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal to deliver this piece of work, please send the required documentation outlined in the invitation to tender document to the relevant email contacts by 5pm on Monday 7 February 2022.
We are committed to ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion in our work as the Mental Health Network and NHS Confederation, and strongly encourage organisations with a commitment to tackling inequalities and increasing diversity and inclusion to consider applying for this opportunity. Our tender process as an organisation specifically requests evidence from applicants, and this will be considered as part of the tender scoring criteria.
Shortlisting will take place on Wednesday 9 February 2022 and applicants will be notified of the outcome on the same day. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to attend for interview the week commencing Monday 14 February 2022.
If you have any questions please do get in touch with Paula Lavis, Policy Manager, who will be managing this tender process.