NAO report on COVID-19 vaccination rollout highlights need for sustainable way forward

Responding to the National Audit Office (NAO) report on the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination programme Ruth Rankine, director of primary care at the NHS Confederation said:
“This report by the National Audit Office is a welcome acknowledgement of just how hard the NHS, and especially those in primary care have worked to deliver the biggest vaccination programme in the NHS’s history.
“Despite a multitude of hurdles primary care has consistently shown just how fast and agile it can be delivering 87 million vaccinations in less than a year to October 2021 and a further 38 million boosters this winter. This is a truly incredible achievement considering the fact it has done so alongside delivering many other non-vaccination services including millions of face-to-face appointments for patients.
“When NHS and partners organisations come together behind a shared purpose, we show just how effective and efficient we are and there is much to learn from this collaborative working and take forward as we continue to ramp up services and recover from the last two years.
“Our members would echo the NAO’s point on the importance of moving the vaccination programme onto a sustainable footing. Crucially it will be key that communication and delivery of the next phase of vaccination is clearly understood in the weeks and months ahead and that progress is maintained especially for elderly and vulnerable groups and as children become eligible for vaccination from April.
“It is also really important to acknowledged that vaccine hesitancy still remains in some parts of the population. Primary care continues to work very innovatively including running outreach vaccination clinics and in explaining and educating local communities on the benefits of getting vaccinated.”