NHS Confederation responds to King's Fund report on ICS progress on workforce

Responding to the King’s Fund report Realising the potential of Integrated Care Systems, Sarah Walter Director of the NHS Confederation’s Integrated Care System network said:
"Our ICS members will welcome this report from the King’s Fund, which highlights the important progress many have made in working in a more collaborative way, in particular to address workforce issues. With workforce shortages being a key strain on health and care services, ICS have a critical role and many have risen to the challenge.
"We note that progress has however been variable and there have been many challenges including the 30 per cent reduction in the running cost allowance (RCA), ongoing industrial action and the impact of inflation on financial deficits.
"Additionally, as we found in last year’s State of ICS report Riding the Storm, workforce pressure and lack of morale was the most common answer given by ICS leaders when asked what they thought the biggest barrier was to system working over the coming year.
"The policies the new government has set out around a National Care Service and their commitment to the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan are welcomed by ICS leaders, but they do want to see an equivalent plan for the social care workforce. Without this, it will be very difficult for our members to achieve their ambitions in relation to building and strengthening an integrated workforce that can meet the health needs of their local communities."