
NHS Confederation responds to Labour’s Back to Work Plan

Matthew Taylor comments on Labour's work and health plan.

1 June 2024

Responding to Labour's plan for work and health, Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said:

“Labour are right to identify this as a critical challenge, with almost 3 million people in the UK who are now economically inactive due to long-term sickness.

“We need more support from physiotherapists, counsellors and other specialist staff to help people who are not in work due to poor physical or mental health to overcome the barriers they face in getting into and staying in employment. Today’s proposals identify some of the key ways this could be achieved. 

“The health of the country and the health of our economy are inextricably linked, and we know from our research that investing in health is a key driver of economic activity. We are making strides in this area, with 15 local integrated care systems having been selected as WorkWell pilot sites. These pilots will help to expand the employment support and treatment available to people who need it, but there’s an opportunity to build on this and widen access to all parts of the country in time.”