NHS Confederation responds to landmark mental health campaign

Responding to the launch of the NHSEI mental health campaign which will encourage people struggling with their mental health to seek support, Sean Duggan chief executive of the NHS Confederation's Mental Health Network said:
“We know that the last wo years have taken a real toll not just on people’s physical health but also on their mental health. Sadly, this is something we expect will continue for years to come, so it is helpful to remind people to seek treatment if and when they need it.
“It’s important that the public understand there are a number of routes available to them in seeking mental health support including through online services and self-referral. Early intervention services such as talking therapies help reduce the chance of mental health issues becoming more serious, and requiring more specialised and expensive treatment.
“The Government must go further in its acknowledgement of the increased demands placed on mental health services as a result of the pandemic and invest accordingly.
“With around one third of primary care's work focused on supporting people with mental health concerns, we also need to recognise the impact this is having on all parts of the health service.”
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