NHS Confederation responds to the latest Association of Ambulance Chief Executives report

Responding to the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) report, which shows that patient handover delays have increased in the last decade, Rory Deighton, director of the acute network at the NHS Confederation said:
"Ambulance handover delays are a significant challenge for the whole healthcare sector. We welcome this report highlighting the issues, as well as the positive changes being implemented across the country.
"The urgent and emergency care recovery plan recognises the extreme pressure on the healthcare sector and sets out a plan for recovering services over the next two years.
"As we prepare for another challenging winter the entire sector needs to work collaboratively to eliminate handover delays and continue the positive progress that we have seen this year. Investing in community-based solutions and social care in order to keep people well at home is critical in enabling the system to flow effectively and to ensure that patients do not come to unnecessary harm.”
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