NHS Confederation responds to latest emergency care situation reports

Responding to the latest urgent and emergency care situation reports published by NHS England, Dr Layla McCay, director of policy at the NHS Confederation, said:
“The NHS is under intense pressure with bed occupancy averaging over 93% in the last week and over half of patients who were ready to leave hospital not being able to be discharged that day as the support was not there for them in the community.
“This is happening as cases of Omicron are climbing rapidly, NHS staff sickness absences are increasing, and teams are giving all they have to get people vaccinated and boosted.
“It is clear the NHS is in for a bumpy ride this winter and health leaders are keen to keep disruption to services to an absolute minimum. To do that, they need the public to do everything they can to keep transmission down and for the Government to keep a close eye on emerging information and be prepared to recall Parliament if further interventions need to be taken in the national interest.”