NHS Confederation responds to the NHS Race and Health Observatory’s report on NHS Talking Therapies

Responding to NHS Race and Health Observatory’s report on NHS Talking Therapies, Sean Duggan, chief executive of the mental health network at the NHS Confederation said:
“Mental health service leaders will welcome the NHS Race and Health Observatory’s (RHO) report that shows some of the positive progress that’s been made in reducing ethnic inequalities in NHS Talking Therapies. However, we know there is still a very long way to go.
“People from minoritised ethnic groups have poorer experiences and outcomes from across mental health services, which is unacceptable. Eliminating inequalities is a top priority for health leaders who are keen to deliver whole system transformation and cultural change; the implementation of the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) will help enable this and be key in further reducing disparities.
“As well as the framework, reducing ethnic inequalities is one of the main drivers behind the reform of the Mental Health Act. Health leaders will hope that the government recognises the importance of this act andinclude the reforms that are so clearly needed in the upcoming King's Speech.”