
NHS Confederation responds to report on how youth-led action can tackle racial inequalities in mental health

The report found that involving young Black people in the design of mental health services and policies can make support more effective.

23 October 2024

Responding to a new Centre for Mental Health report on the power of youth-led action to tackle racial inequalities in mental health Emma Paveley, Interim Assistant Director for the Mental Health Network at the NHS Confederation, said:

“This new report is yet more evidence of the stark disparities young Black people face accessing mental health services. Black people are far more likely to be detained under the Mental Health Act or to be placed on a community treatment order than white people.

“The NHS pledges to provide care to all and tackling racism is one of its core values. The persistent inequalities for Black children and young people are unacceptable and we continue to support our members to eliminate them.

“This report makes many sensible recommendations, including reforming the Mental Health Act to address disparities faced by people from Black and racialised backgrounds. We know that community engagement and listening to lived experience is vital, so it is also positive to see evidence that involving young Black people in the design of mental health services and policies can help to tackle these persistent injustices.

“The 10-year plan for the NHS offers a great opportunity to tackle entrenched problems and improve services. It is encouraging the government has issued such a wide call for evidence so that the experiences of patients, their families and staff can influence the upcoming plan.”