NHS Employers responds to RCN's analysis of nurse recruitment from “red list” countries

Responding to new analysis released today by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on nurse recruitment from "red list" countries, Caroline Waterfield, director of development and employment at NHS Employers, part of the NHS Confederation, said:
“The Government’s Code of Practice for international recruitment into the NHS helps employers ensure they are adhering to ethical recruitment practices. However, it is important to acknowledge that people from any country can apply for NHS jobs individually.
“Whilst international recruitment has played a valuable role in helping to grow the nursing workforce this has been coupled with an emphasis on recruitment into university nurse training programmes and the degree apprenticeship scheme.
“Nurse degree apprenticeships have been very successful and NHS employers would welcome continued support and funding to grow both this model and sustain placements for university students, especially in mental health and community settings.”