Response to the First Minister's budget update

Responding to the First Minister’s budget update for 2023-24, assistant director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Nesta Lloyd-Jones said:
“NHS leaders welcome the Welsh Government’s honesty regarding the unprecedented state of public finances.
“Across Wales, NHS organisations currently face considerable cost pressures. Between the pandemic, rising energy costs, the increased cost of staff recruitment and retention and record levels of demand on services, NHS finances have been significantly impacted.
“NHS leaders are already making difficult decisions about spending priorities, considering where further efficiencies can be made, with more to come. While financial stability is key, the quality of services and ensuring positive outcomes for patients is vital. Decisions made now could have a long-term impact on the health and wellbeing of the population.
“Therefore, a national conversation has never been more pressing. We’re calling for an open and honest conversation with the public about what the future health and care service looks like to ensure the sustainability of health and care in Wales.”