Response to the health minister's written statement on health board allocations and target control totals

Responding to the health minister’s written statement on health board allocations and target control totals, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes said: “NHS leaders recognise that public finances across the UK are extremely tight. That’s why we need honesty from politicians across all parties regarding the unprecedented challenge of providing the healthcare people expect with less money in real terms at a time of ever-increasing demand. “NHS leaders will do whatever they can to deliver the best outcomes for patients with the finite resources available and will continue to make further efficiencies. The way we deliver services must change, we do not have the staff or money to continue doing what we’ve always done. However, we need to remember that decisions made now could have a long-term impact on the health and wellbeing of the population (and therefore on future demand and costs). “NHS organisations will be undertaking comprehensive impact assessments before making any changes to services working closely with clinical teams, Llais and care groups to inform decisions. “There is a lot of work to do to meet political expectations in the midst of the greatest financial challenge the public sector has experienced. Longer term financial certainty is key to support NHS leaders to enable them to transform their services and improve patient outcomes. “All sectors, politicians and government departments must work together to support and improve the health and wellbeing of the population, to tackle inequalities and respond to the cost-of-living crisis to prevent further harm to the most vulnerable in our society. “We need an open and honest conversation with the public about what we can all do to meet our future health and care needs and to ensure the sustainability of the health and care service in Wales for future generations.” |