Response to the Welsh Government's new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Responding to the Welsh Government’s new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation Darren Hughes said:
“We know that both the pandemic and cost-of-living pressures have had a significant impact on the nation’s mental health. But the ever-increasing demand for mental health interventions and services comes at the same time as squeezed budgets and workforce shortages.
“The full impact of overstretched services is not felt equitably, with the worst effects felt by those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, people with existing mental health issues and those with disabilities.
“It’s positive to see the minister’s focus on thinking more broadly and creatively about how we can all support people’s mental health and wellbeing, championing a whole-government, whole-sector, person-centred approach. We know how effective non-medical interventions can be and how important things like exercise, access to the natural environment, housing and the arts can be in improving and maintaining mental health and wellbeing.
“We welcome the opportunity to submit a response to the consultation on the Welsh Government’s strategy on behalf of our members to drive forward a clear, long-term vision for the future of mental health and wellbeing support.”