Right to have scrutiny of public spending, but vital to attract best candidates

Responding to media reports on pay for senior managers in the NHS, Louise Patten, director of the NHS Confederation's network representing integrated care systems, said:
“There are already clear examples of health and care services working effectively together as part of local integrated care systems to improve care for patients. Integrated care systems carry huge responsibilities for providing a vast range of health and care services, with some leaders responsible for populations of 3 million people, with budgets of up to £6 billion. These are significant new organisations, dealing with complex issues such as addressing long-standing health inequalities and lengthening waiting lists, as well as overseeing services for people living with cancer.
“While it is right that there is proper scrutiny of how public monies are spent, it is essential that local integrated care systems can attract the best and most qualified candidates for these roles. This is essential if they are to deliver real improvement for their local communities. The salaries being reported in the media will be for a small number of leaders overseeing the largest integrated care systems. Most will be paid at the bottom of the pay scale and any above the median will need approval from the government and its national bodies.”