Staff will do all they can to ramp up the booster vaccination programme

Responding to the latest Welsh Government press conference, Nesta Lloyd-Jones, assistant director of the Welsh NHS Confederation said:
“As we arrive at the anniversary of the first Covid vaccine to be administered in Wales, the emerging picture requires the NHS and its staff to significantly ramp up the programme once more.
“The NHS has been working closely with partners to pull all the levers possible to scale up the rollout of the booster vaccination programme. With the target of offering all eligible adults a booster vaccine by the end of January, there’s no doubt we have a huge task ahead and staff will do all they can to make it happen, with the support of volunteers, local government, fire services, students, GPs and community pharmacists.
“We cannot thank staff enough for all they’ve done to support the vaccination rollout over the last 12 months. Many staff will once again have to change their annual leave and Christmas plans to ensure as many people as possible can be vaccinated in the quickest possible time.
“These sacrifices are not easy and the least we owe to staff is doing everything in our power to attend our booster appointment when invited, not only to ensure precious time isn’t wasted, but to further protect ourselves and those around us as we head into uncertain territories with the Omicron variant.
“We also urge anyone under 65 to wait to be invited for your booster appointment. People will be invited in order of priority and these enquiries can put extra strain on an already stretched workforce.
“In the meantime, it's vital we do all we can to help reduce the spread of Coronavirus by regularly testing ourselves, wearing masks in enclosed spaces, keeping our distance where possible and keeping indoor spaces well ventilated.”