We need a long-term plan for social care

Responding to today’s Welsh Government Press Conference, Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation said:
“We welcome the additional funding for social care announced today by the Welsh Government. The care sector, and more importantly those needing care, still need the certainty of a long-term and sustainable plan for its future if it’s going to meet the enormity of the immediate challenge and make the reforms needed for the future.
“There are currently over 1,000 patients who are medically fit and waiting to be discharged from our hospitals who are unable to get the care and support they need. NHS leaders are doing all they can to implement short-term solutions with local authorities and providers of care, but there’s an urgent need for a plan to solve long-standing issues.
“Pressure on NHS services continues to be sky high and one way the public can do their bit is to take up any offers of vaccination they receive, whether that be a first, second or booster dose. The NHS in Wales stands ready to deliver both the Covid-19 booster vaccination programme and to 12–15-year-olds who come forward to receive theirs. We know that the vaccine has prevented many thousands of people from getting seriously unwell and it remains our best form of defence against the virus.
“It’s also really important that people only call 999 or attend emergency departments if they are in urgent or emergency situations and access the most appropriate service for their needs rather, such as community pharmacies or NHS 111 Wales.”