Whole system working tirelessly to find solutions

Responding to the latest activity and performance statistics for the NHS in Wales, Darren Hughes, director of the Welsh NHS Confederation said:
"Still under the shadow of Covid-19, the whole of the health and care system is working tirelessly to find both short and long-term solutions to the challenges faced. This is at the same time as we’re seeing an increase in staff illness and isolation whist delivering the biggest and fastest vaccination programme the world has ever seen. The performance in some areas, for example in urgent and emergency care, is improving month on month but there are still enormous challenges ahead.
“We welcome Welsh Government’s £34m investment in ambulance services through the winter months. We hope this will help bolster capacity.
“Health and care services are transforming all the time, for example by increasing the number of clinicians and specialist paramedics to treat lower risk patients who call 999 at home, easing pressure on hospitals.
“That’s why we must all do what we can to ease the pressure on the NHS this winter – by making sensible choices to limit the spread of Covid (including attending your appointment for a booster vaccine when invited) and accessing services appropriately by only calling 999 in a life-threatening emergency and using NHS 111 online as a first port of call for less urgent problems.
“We want to say a huge thank you to the Welsh public for protecting themselves and to staff for all they’re doing to keep the people of Wales safe and wish them a happy and safe Christmas.”