PCN case studies and leadership approaches

Case studies showcasing innovative PCN practices and interesting leadership approaches.

Commissioned by NHS England South East, the NHS Confederation's Primary Care Network has been supporting South East PCN leadership teams to develop and collaborate in new ways at system and place, through leadership development programmes. It is part of a larger menu of support from NHSE South East's primary care transformation team

Part of this work has been to produce easy to access case studies, highlighting innovative PCN practices and interesting leadership approaches, from within and outside the South-East. The series has been designed so that leaders can draw off materials and share them within team meetings and improvement conversations. each case study includes an infographic and a short one pager covering key elements of the project and a short video where leaders share their leadership style, thinking and approach.

Establishing the foundations of shared decision-making: Warrington 

This case study, with accompanying video illustrates how Dr Dan Bunstone, clinical director, collaboratively led to develop a meaningful vision and values based culture within Warrington Innovation Network (WIN). By hearing all views across the wider PCN membership. WIN established a network-wide shared vision that has informed future strategic decision-making.

Transforming online access to primary care: Folkestone and Hythe PCN 

Folkestone and Hythe PCN established a hub to improve online consultation processing across practices to make more efficient use of the PCN workforce, and build a future focused culture. Inclusive leadership was at the heart of the leadership approach. Read the case study and hear how they did this, below.

Improving under-represented groups’ access to mental health services: Wokingham North PCN 

By establishing a programme to increase access to mental health services for black people living in Wokingham, the number of black service users identified as needing a review, and therefore contacted has doubled. Taking a digital and data led approach is central to the leadership approach within Wokingham North PCN in the designing pathways of care and establishing cohorts. Read the case study and hear how they did this, below.

The proactive care team within the region commissioned this project, providing system colleagues with the opportunity to test and blueprint improvements that will address some of the key challenges faced by primary care in addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants of health. The team continued to support ICB and place-based primary care teams, and further support further PCNs in working towards a more proactive way of working, until the closure of the programme in December 2023.   

Placing patient experience at the heart of organisational redesign: Foundry PCN, Lewes 

The Foundry PCN in Lewes, East Sussex, implemented a new population health management approach in general practice through working both collaboratively and at scale. Read the case study and hear how they did this, below.

Setting up a service for pulmonary rehabilitation and wider health and support needs: Isle of Sheppey 

This video and high-level case study outlines how the primary care team in Kent and Medway ICB created a programme within Isle of Sheppey to uplift pulmonary rehabilitation availability across winter months, by increasing services such as smoking cessation, loneliness prevention groups and healthy weight services. Read the case study and hear how they did this, below.

The proactive care team within the region commissioned this project, providing system colleagues with the opportunity to test and blueprint improvements that will address some of the key challenges faced by primary care in addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants of health. The team continued to support ICB and place-based primary care teams, and further support further PCNs in working towards a more proactive way of working, until the closure of the programme in December 2023.