Pensions Guidance

How to support staff to work flexibly using flexible pensions options.

The NHS Pension Scheme offers a number of flexible retirement options with new flexible retirement options being introduced to help employers attract and retain experienced staff.

We are working closely with NHS Employers, DHSC, NHS England and NHS Pensions to work through the new rules and help employers prepare for the change. The guidance will be updated regularly as new information comes to light around the development of new systems and processes to support local implementation of partial retirement from 1 October 2023.

As part of our Welsh Partnership Forum Workplan, we have committed to work in partnership to develop an All Wales Pensions Policy.

This Policy will set out the requirements and expectations on employers across NHS Wales, together with guidance and resources to assist its application.

As these flexibilities are available for those individuals at or above Minimum Pension Age, and in light of changes to regulations and tax requirements, the Employer Pension Contributions - Model Alternative Payments Policy has been updated. This Model policy needs to be adopted at an organisational level.

Up-to-date guidance and resources can be accessed via the following links 
NHS Employers 
NHS Business Services Authority