Alison Bullock
Alison is the Trust-wide Professional Head of Occupational Therapy at Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust.
She also has additional roles as the Trusts strategic lead for individual placement and support (IPS), Trust wide clinical lead for adult mental health rehabilitation, and the AHP digital lead for the Trust.
Alison is our first Allied Health Professionals (AHP) board member and is keen to develop and advocate for the contribution of AHP`s working across mental health and learning disabilities for the benefit of those we serve.
Alison has completed small scale research, has been a local collaborator on both NIHR and non NIHR research studies, has had work published in several books and journals, and was part of the team who developed the NICE quality guideline for depression. She has presented at a variety of mental health and occupational therapy related conferences and has a master’s in evidenced based practice.
She has co-facilitated the Trusts user, carer, advocate leadership programme for many years, and is strong advocate for personal choice, human rights, social prescribing, employment and both group work and both arts and crafts-based intervention growing from her first degree in glass and ceramics.