Angela Knight Jackson MBE
Angela’s experience as a paediatric nurse, midwife and health visitor spans 40 years working in a variety of care settings both in the UK and abroad. The main stay of her clinical work has been within primary care as a specialist community public health practitioner practicing in a number of contrasting communities across England. Angela has combined clinical practice with academic engagements including working as a research associate and undertaking lecturing responsibilities for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programmes. Her research portfolio has focussed on cultural competence in public health nursing where she achieved national and international recognition for her work.
Angela’s other appointments have included corporate research and development lead for a Primary Care Trust, commissioning research programmes to support commissioning decisions and outcomes and she has led and delivered national and regional core leadership programmes.
Angela is a recipient of national personal research awards from the Community Practitioner & Health Visitors Association, the Florence Nightingale Foundation and the Health Foundation. More recently Angela was awarded the Florence Nightingale Senior Leader Scholarship 2019-20.
In March 2020 she was deployed to the national chief nursing officers (CNO) team, prioritising COVID-19, working with the professional and system leadership team supporting innovative community nursing initiatives and delivering the first national CNO and CMidO Ethnic Minority Action Plan.
Subsequently, Angela was successfully appointed as a national lead, deputy director for nursing professional development in the CNO team responsible for the leadership and management of nursing professional development.
In June 2022 Angela was awarded an MBE for services to the NHS and in particular the nursing and midwifery workforce.
Angela is energised by growing leaders in healthcare and is a leadership associate at NHS England and an executive coach and mentor.