Carl Cooper
Carl has spent most of his working life in the voluntary sector in Wales.
A native of Wigan, he has worked and lived in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire Gwynedd and Powys. He worked for the Church in Wales for 25 years and has held positions of senior management and leadership since 1999. He is a fluent Welsh speaker.
From 2008 to 2022 Carl was Chief Executive of Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO). He was involved in supporting and representing the third sector in many ways at local, regional and national level. He is currently chair of Powys Teaching Health Board and a board member of Social Care Wales.
He holds degrees in French and Theology, a Master of Philosophy degree for research into the sociology of language in bilingual Wales; and has recently completed doctoral research into Regional Partnership Boards.
He has held a number of public appointments including membership of the BBC Audience Council for Wales and the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Advisory Panel.