Dr Chris Pickering
Dr Chris Pickering has worked across a number hospitals in the west midlands in the A&E services and has previously been a clinical lead. He currently works for University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust.
Chris is a membership representative of governance at the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, an experienced associate chief medical officer and has been a regional clinical advisor to the NHS England Midlands UEC regional team. He has also been part of a docu-series called “999 critical condition” which shows the reality of working in A&E.
Chris has extensive experience of working in and understanding how acute services function. His varied roles at local, regional and national levels provide valuable insight into the pressures faced by the front facing part of acute care – the emergency services. His interests are whole pathway patient care, clinical reviews of standards and cultural leadership.
Chris works as a clinical advisor within our Acute Network, supporting our Improving Interface Working Across Primary and Secondary Care programme.