Headshot of Fortune Mhlanga

Fortune Mhlanga

Mental Health Improvement Advisor, NHS England

"Fortune is a Mental Health Nurse, Professional Nurse Advocate, Action Learning Set Facilitator and TRIM Practitioner. Post qualifying as a registered mental health nurse, Fortune completed various academic qualifications including an MSc in Population Health, teaching qualification, post-graduate certificate in Health and Social Care Management and doctoral study. She worked in various mental health settings before moving to Higher Education.

Fortune’s previous roles include Lecturer and Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing where she taught on the BSc and MSc Nursing programmes. She has also held leadership roles in Quality and Governance and Nursing in the NHS. Fortune’s experience and areas of interest include quality improvement, research and the action learning approach to supporting shared learning. In addition to this, she is passionate about reducing health inequalities and currently holds the role of Regional Lead for the CNO, CMidO Strategic Advisory Group which aims to promote equity for Global Majority Nurses, Midwives and patients.

Fortune’s doctoral research study focused on the implementation of recovery-oriented practice in mental health services. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and also a Research Fellow at Oxford Brookes University where she supervises PhD students and collaborates in research projects. Fortune is a compassionate leader who believes in supporting others to be the best version of themselves, promoting equity and creating psychologically safe workplaces."